#Burger-Ping meets HaKe

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HLGuard 1.8 veröffentlicht


New Member
Guten Morgen,

ab sofort ist in allen Counter-Strike Laddern der ESL HLGuard V1.80 Pflicht. In dieser neuen Version ist eine stark verbesserte Implementation des "Wallhack-Blocks" dazugekommen, welche in Tests der ESL anscheinend überzeugt hat. Deshalb ist von nun an HLG mit aktiviertem Wallhack Block in allen Laddern Pflicht. Alle anderen Funktion von HLG sind zu deaktivieren. Aufgrund der Tatsache das Wallhacks davon sehr effektiv geblockt werden, erhofft sich die ESL zumindest einen zeitweisen Vorteil davon im ständigen Kampf gegen die Cheater. Alle anderen Funktionen von HLG müssen deaktiviert sein.

Quelle :





Ex Burger-Ping Admins
hab noch was dazu gefunden. für alle die es interessiert:

HLGuard 1.8 Release Notes

There are a few things we would like to comment, point out, dish and so on, for the release of HLG 1.8.

Aimwarn and speedhack block
The Aimwarn and speedhack block systems are now officially abandoned. They are bad, ugly, doesnt work too well and generally sucks. They will be kept in HLG for unknown time, just because some people still like them. No support nor updates will officially be given to those systems now.

We look into rebuilding these systems later on, but for now, this is the status.

SkyWalk guard
HLGuard 1.8 introduces a whole new major feature - SkyWalk Guard.

Skywalk Guard basically prevents various kind of map exploiting. HLGuard ships with pre-defined zone files containing data of known exploit locations in a number of default maps. Custom zones can be added as well using the advanced in-game zone editor. This way skywalking can be prevented, and the "jump-through-ceiling" bug detected. If a player tries to enter a SkyWalk zone, he will be pushed back. If he tries to use the "jump-through-ceiling" bug, he will be punished according to the server configuration.

Preview of a SkyWalk Guard zone and the main SkyWalk guard menu:


Zone Mode explanation:
None -> Zone will do nothing, and will turn invisible when the SWG Zone menu is closed
Block -> Zone will block players from moving through it, and punish players using the "Jump-Through-Ceiling" bug against it. This zone will fit most uses.
Block + Force no beams -> Zone will act like "Block", but when the menu is closed, the zone will turn invisible. This is useful for zones placed inside ceilings to prevent the clients rendering the zones (each zone uses 12 sprites).
Notes about SWG:
Boxes (the zones) cannot be rotated.
Even though you can edit the zones live in-game, we recommend creating a test server for the purpose, as the gameplay will continue even in the zone edit mode.
You can place zones inside small ceilings to detect the "jump-through-ceiling" bug.
Zones can be displayed in-game, but the HL engine limits the number of beams (which the zones are displayed with) in one view, so too many zones in one area might cause the last-added to turn "invisible".
Zones are saved by HLG to a .cfg file in the HLGuard folder. Zones can therefore be loaded via normal console commands, or by executing a .cfg file with the neccesary commands.
When a player tries to enter a SWG Zone, he will be teleported back to his previous position, however, if a player in the mean-time moved there, there is a chance they will get stuck in eachother.
The system is designed to run with players of normal HL size. HLDM, TFC, CSTRIKE and the like should run fine, but if a mod uses players of a different size, HLG will still calculate collisions with boxes according to the default HL model sizes. Support for other mods might come later.
HLGuard 1.8 only covers the following maps with zones of known exploits, the rest will be done over time and sent out in config updates.
Over time, we will try to release zones for more maps in config updates. If you know a map exploit (Note: Map exploit, not "league banned area") we dont block already, feel free to pm Zero3Cool (Me ) with all relevant info.

New ban system
HLGuard 1.8 also introduces a new banning system. This system might help users with extremely large ban lists suffering from lag. It additionally shows banned users a message upon connecting, so they will know why they were banned. HLGuard does not use this system itself yet, but advanced users may benefit from it by implemting it themselves. See this thread for more info.

Example usage:
hlg_check "%w:STEAM_0:1:123456:You cheated" "Z"
hlg_check "%w:STEAM_0:1:654321:You are a lamer" "Z"
hlg_action "Z:found" "kick #%u [HLGUARD] Ban in effect: %y"

Players with those steamids would be kicked upon connect with their individual reasons.

Note that this system is designed for permanent bans, so there is no timeouts nor smart removal methods (other than manually removing the line and doing a hlg_reset). This system only accept steamids, so no WON ID support (basically, HLG saves everything from the first to 4th ":" as the UniqueID)

Rapid name change detection
Players rapidly changing their names can now be dealt with automatically. HLGuard can ban players changing their names x times in x seconds, configurable by the admin.

Socket system changes
The socket system used by the config updater has been recoded for HLG 1.8. End-users shouldnt notice any change, but the system is now smarter, and doesnt create a sleeping thread anymore. Threads will only be created when used.

There is one little note though, upon hlds.exe termination, HLGuard will wait for any socket operations to finish before quitting. The HLDS window will disappear, but hlds.exe will keep running in the backround untill HLGuard is done. HLDS should end after 4-5 seconds max, but if a socket is "stuck" in timeout talking to the update server, it might take longer.

Natural-Selection support
We are in contact with the NS development team, but due to game updates on their part, we have not yet solved the incompatabilities between NS and HLG.

HLGuard + United Admins?
Its a bit sad to see that big sites such as CSBANANA still believes that HLGuard is an United Admins project (http://www.banana.nu/?section=viewitem.news.news.main.894), because its not. The takeover took place over 6 months ago, and every release has been linked to http://ww.thezproject.org/. The takeover thread has been stickied for over 5 months as well (just unstickied, i was in the belief that people was starting to get it, oh well).

As if it wasnt enough, they even listed "Natural-Selection support" as a feature, which its NOT, as they would know if they bothered reading they whole post, and not just the text in bold.

People who deserve thumbs up:
ShadowLord - For giving permission to use parts of RESGen in HLGuard. He just never got proper credited before now.
neTzi, risl, Adnan, KillahInstinct and anyone else i forgot, for testing sessions and being ban-bug victims.
