HaKe Netzspion
Heroes of Newerth 4th Annual Mashable Awards Best Online Game Finalist
Heroes of Newerth, the standard of excellence in the Dota genre has been nominated as BEST ONLINE GAME at the 4th Annual Mashable Awards.
As a campaign that started here at HoN Updates and spread virally by the HoN community, we would like to carry on pushing. We have come this far haven't we? It's time to push all the way.
Focus fire: http://mashable.com/awards/votes?c=10&v=125h
-You can vote everyday by the way.
Riders of Newerth, assemble. Spread the word far and wide, fine men and women!
It's time to go all in.
Heroes of Newerth, the standard of excellence in the Dota genre has been nominated as BEST ONLINE GAME at the 4th Annual Mashable Awards.
As a campaign that started here at HoN Updates and spread virally by the HoN community, we would like to carry on pushing. We have come this far haven't we? It's time to push all the way.
Focus fire: http://mashable.com/awards/votes?c=10&v=125h
-You can vote everyday by the way.
Game title: Heroes of Newerth
Category: Best Online Game
Voting ends: December 15, 2010 (Wednesday)Category: Best Online Game
Riders of Newerth, assemble. Spread the word far and wide, fine men and women!
It's time to go all in.