HaKe Netzspion
HoN 2.2.9 Changelog
Darth Vader is Lord Salforis
- Added a new Early Access Hero: Lord Salforis
* Based on the Dream hero Necromancer created by Passthechips
* Named after the Name-A-Hero contest winner Salforis
- Added a new Limited Edition Alt Avatar: Dreadknight Salforis
- Added a new Nymphora Alt Avatar: Spriticus
* Voiced by the great Jesse Cox of OMFG (One Moderately Funny Gamer)
All Heroes of Newerth Players on Steam:
HoN Dota Project Steam Group (5000 HoN Players and Counting!)

Darth Vader is Lord Salforis
- Added a new Early Access Hero: Lord Salforis
* Based on the Dream hero Necromancer created by Passthechips
* Named after the Name-A-Hero contest winner Salforis
- Added a new Limited Edition Alt Avatar: Dreadknight Salforis
- Added a new Nymphora Alt Avatar: Spriticus
* Voiced by the great Jesse Cox of OMFG (One Moderately Funny Gamer)
All Heroes of Newerth Players on Steam:
HoN Dota Project Steam Group (5000 HoN Players and Counting!)