HaKe Netzspion
HoN Referral System
The Heroes of Newerth referral system is now online!
Just refer a friend to HoN and earn 500 Goblin Coins (a value of nearly 12 Dollars) in the process.
How it works:
1. Go to http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/referral.php to get your account-tagged referral link.
2. Your friend must purchase HoN using your referral link.
3. Profit. Once your friend purchases a HoN account, you get 500 Goblin Coins!
The more friends you refer, the more profit you make.
So tell all your friends to purchase HoN now.
If your friends want to try out HoN before purchasing, they can get a FREE HoN Trial.
Heroes of Newerth Trial Accounts (credits: Neutral Creeps)
Heroes of Newerth - the number 1 stand-alone Dota genre game in Australia and Asia.
The Heroes of Newerth referral system is now online!
Just refer a friend to HoN and earn 500 Goblin Coins (a value of nearly 12 Dollars) in the process.
How it works:
1. Go to http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/referral.php to get your account-tagged referral link.
2. Your friend must purchase HoN using your referral link.
3. Profit. Once your friend purchases a HoN account, you get 500 Goblin Coins!
The more friends you refer, the more profit you make.
So tell all your friends to purchase HoN now.
If your friends want to try out HoN before purchasing, they can get a FREE HoN Trial.
Heroes of Newerth Trial Accounts (credits: Neutral Creeps)
Heroes of Newerth - the number 1 stand-alone Dota genre game in Australia and Asia.