HaKe Netzspion
Myrmadon is going to make a splash in Heroes of Newerth (Hero Sneak Peek)
The newest Legion INT HoN hero is ready to make a splash!
Myrmadon will pre-date the up and coming HoN 2.0.
From Maliken:
Twitter is colored blue: HoN on Twitter (Blue)
Facebook is colored blue: HoN on Facebook (Blue)
The newest Legion INT HoN hero is ready to make a splash!
Myrmadon will pre-date the up and coming HoN 2.0.
From Maliken:
After Moraxus we'll quickly see another hero (Myrmadon) and then a HUGE patch (HoN 2.0) that will delight!!!
Let's talk about water, the color blue and the Little Mermaid.Twitter is colored blue: HoN on Twitter (Blue)
Facebook is colored blue: HoN on Facebook (Blue)