#Burger-Ping meets HaKe

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HoN News: Nomad - HoN Hero Sneak Peek


HaKe Netzspion

Nomad - Heroes of Newerth Hero Sneak Peek

Heroes of Newerth, one of the most popular games in the Dota genre is reviving an old hero of Newerth - Nomad.

He once was gone but now he's back!

S2 Games Talks about Nomad
The Nomad is an elusive melee semi-carry that puts an emphasis on the player’s decision-making and reflexes over raw, head-on damage output. His skills are designed to reward and complement players who prefer to outplay their opponents by way of deception and guile.​
Nomad Skill Set:

* Sandstorm:

Once Sandstorm is activated, the Nomad conjures a whirling cyclone of dust around him that envelops himself and nearby allies in a shroud of invisibility. In addition, they receive a significant movement speed bonus, while enemies within the sandstorm lose movement speed. This duality allows for Sandstorm to be a very useful tool for both chasing and escaping. An ally in need can be hidden from opponents and escorted to safety, or the skill may be used to initiate upon the opposing team. Because the enemy cannot see under the Sandstorm, they never know how many of you are approaching.

* Mirage Strike:
Leveling up Mirage Strike grants two sub-abilities: True Strike and Mirage Strike. True Strike will cause the Nomad to charge recklessly at an opponent, dealing high physical damage and increasing his attack speed. Mirage Strike will cause the Nomad to become invisible and send an illusion to perform the charge in his stead. Proper use and a mixture of True Strike and Mirage Strike is what will keep your opponents on their toes. By never allowing them the luxury of knowing whether you’re really charging at them, you can take the opportunity to deal extra damage.

* Wanderer:
The Nomad’s passive ability charges his sword with the sand around him as he moves. With each 100 distance traveled, his next attack gains a significant boost to attack damage. This ability allows him to deal very high damage when coupled with Mirage and True Strike. It also means that when he chases an opponent, he is constantly charging up Wanderer for his next attack.

* Edge Counter (Ultimate):
Edge Counter is the Nomad’s greatest asset in a large-scale battle, as it can often be the difference between winning or losing an encounter. When activated, Edge Counter puts the Nomad in a one-second state of stasis. If he is attacked, damaged, or spell casted upon by an enemy hero during this state, the Nomad shrugs the attack off and counters his assailant with a massive wave of sand, dealing high magic damage and stunning anyone in its wake. His stunned opponents then become vulnerable to a volley of attacks from True Strike.

Watch out for Nomad!
Returning to HoN this Friday - April 8, 2011.

Credits: PCGamer.com
