#Burger-Ping meets HaKe

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Axel bekommt auf die Fresse!


Ex Burger-Ping Admins
Mein Gott der Kerl hat in Frankfurt(Oder) trainiert, war doch klar dass das nix wird :D

Dem Henry Maske wirds genauso ergehen :lolpeng:


New Member
also eigentlich wusten wir das alle, das dass passiert, was passiert ist auch genau so kommen würde!

denn wenn du schon so lange ein boxer oder kampfsportler bist, und nach solanger zeit einen still gefunden hast und auch so trainierst anderst du diesen still nicht durch einen neuen trainer, oder ?
wenn man einen spitznamen hat "der weiche riese" hallo das sagt doch so gesehn alles man hat soviele kämpfe von ihm gesehn wo nix bei rum kommt!
also ich persöhnlich denke das war nur für RTL !
denn ich denke er hat nicht nur die 1.5 millionen euro bekommen, denn hallo es war einer der höchsten einschaltqutten in diesen jahr für RTL (12,5millionen) und nur darum ging es !
ich denke bei henry maske wird das gleiche passieren
denn auch er ist schon 38 jahre und sein gegner ebenfals aber nie weg gewesen aus dem boxgeschäft!

aber das geld lockt halt !

mfg honk


New Member
Sorry, aber das kannst du beides nicht vergleichen.
Maske war - verglichen mit Schulz - ein extrem erfolgreicher Boxer.
Für Maske steht daher also wesentlich mehr auf dem Spiel als für Schulz.
Davon mal abgesehen hat Maske 3 Gehirnzellen mehr als Axel... :)


New Member
101 Gründe warum man nicht eingestellt wird:
(is auf Englisch, ich hoffe ihr kapierts trotzdem) :rolleyes:

1. I'm too old (or, too young) to find work.
2. I don't have enough money.
3. I don't speak enough English/Spanish/Russian/Navajo for them to hire me.
4. I fail at everything I try. Why bother?
5. I don't have a car/a phone/a fax/a pager/a computer/an alarm clock.
6. I'm too shy.
7. I don't know where to start.
8. I don't have a degree (or, the proper education).
9. It's impossible. I've tried before.
10. No one would want me (or, my skills).
11. It's too late in the day (or, the season, or the year, or in my life) to find a job now.
12. It would take too much effort.
13. I don't have the time.
14. I'm engaged to be married; once I'm married my problems will all be solved.
15. I'm not strong enough.
16. It might ruin my health.
17. I can't take rejection.
18. I'm registered with a temp service (or, employment agency, or union, or major employer) and they haven't called me yet.
19. I've applied already, and they turned me down.
20. There's too much competition for jobs.
21. I don't know how to look for work.
22. There's no point in starting a job search.
23. I'd lose my shirt. I'd lose my kids medicaid, and what happens if they get sick and need to see a doctor.
24. I don't have any work clothes (or, I don't have any good clothes, or steel-toed shoes, or dress shoes, or a hard hat, or necktie).
25. I don't have any family here (or, where the jobs are located).
26. The economy is terrible here (or, the housing situation is terrible here, or where the jobs are located).
27. I already sold all my tools.
28. I'm pregnant (or, trying to get pregnant).
29. It would spoil my vacation.
30. The timing isn't right.
31. I'm waiting until the kids get out of school (or, back in school, or until they graduate from school).
32. I can't sell.
33. They don't offer enough benefits.
34. I need more of a challenge (or, it's too much of a challenge).
35. I'm not a morning person.
36. I worked and paid taxes for two (or, five or ten) years, and it's high time for me to relax and get the benefit of what I've paid in.
37. This is the wrong time of my life.
38. It would mean starting over.
39. I might fail.
40. I don't have the energy.
41. I don't drive on the freeway/at night/in that neighborhood/ in ice and snow/
on narrow roads/out of my part of town.
42. I don't have any auto insurance.
43. I'm not into the eight-to-five scene.
44. I'm barely making it now, and I can't afford to waste time and gasoline searching for a job all over town.
45. I'm too fat (or, thin).
46. I'm a rock musician (or, poet, or writer, or painter). I haven't got any gigs yet, but I have to be free when they call.
47. A new necktie (or, magazine subscription, or briefcase, or mailings) would cost
too much.
48. I'm not feeling well.
49. I'm planning to go back to school some time in the future, so I can't work.
50. I don't want to think about my problems right now.
51. The weather is too hot (or, too cold).
52. It doesn't pay to work in this town.
53. There's nothing within walking distance of my house.
54. It won't work.
55. Anybody could do that job; I want something challenging.
56. It's too much of a challenge.
57. I don't want them to make me cut my hair, or tie it up.
58. My husband wouldn't let me. My wife wouldn't let me.
59. Public transportation doesn't run that early/that late/that far/that reliably. 60. I can't find any free day care.
61. I can't stand the smell of plastic (or, bus exhaust, or flowers, or machine oil,
or food, or people).
62. This town's too small (or, too big) to find a job.
63. There's no jobs out there. (sic)
64. If I word around food, I'll start eating, and there will be no stopping me.
65. The boss will start talking some trash, and I'll lose my temper and get fired again, so why bother?
66. I just arrived in town, and you want me to start looking for a job already?
67. I just got married/got divorced/broke up with my lover.
68. They're not hiring.
69. I'm a woman (or, I'm a man, I'm an Anglo, I'm a minority . . . etc.)
70. It's raining (or, sleeting, snowing, blowing) outside.
71. I can't stand (or, sit, or walk, or lay down) for long periods of time. And I don't like talking on the phone, using computers, or meeting people or cats . . . , etc., etc., etc.
72. I'm not in the mood.
73. I had surgery last year.
74. I have a headache/backache/neckache.
75. The tires on my car are bald.
76. I'm not strong enough.
77. I'm not gonna drive sixteen miles, morning and evening, through freeway traffic,
for a lousy $5.15/hour (or, $16.50/hour, or $32.50/hour, or $50,000/year).
78. I'm worth more than they could afford to pay me.
79. It's been tried before.
80. They say I'm overqualified.
81. I've got 12 weeks of unemployment benefits left, and if I don't use them I lose them.
82. It would be too hard to start.
83. I'm not about to lower myself to take the kinds of jobs they're offering.
84. I couldn't do it alone.
85. They always want a drug test, and I'm not going to give them the satisfaction. 86. All they have are dead-end jobs, with no hope for quick advancement to upper management.
87. My kids are never going to get dumped into day care if I have anything to say
about it.
88. I've got a "thing" about traveling on public buses.
89. If I work, my ex will garnish my wages for child support, and I'll just have to quit and start over again.
90. I don't work at any job that isn't fun. When it stops being fun, I leave.
91. I don't use public restrooms.
92. It would take too long.
93. I don't look for work outside my field.
94. I'm not a risk taker. It's too risky.
95. It can't be done.
96. It's summer vacation! (or, the Holidays, or Spring Break, or the championship playoff season.)
97. It's too damn far.
98. If they don't like the way I dress, screw 'em.
99. It's not practical. I've got to be realistic.
100.I don't want to drive two hours for a one-hour meeting.
101.Nothing would come of it.


Hitlers Rennauto: http://planetgonecrazy.blogspot.com/2006/12/most-expensive-car-sold-on-auction-will.html
die teuersten dinge der welt: http://planetgonecrazy.blogspot.com/2006/11/most-expensive-things-in-world.html


New Member
Axel Schulz erlitt Schlaganfall
Axel Schulz hat dafür büßen müssen, einen dringenden Rat seines Arztes nicht befolgt zu haben. Der Boxer soll infolge des Duells mit Brian Minto einen Schlaganfall erlitten haben.

Axel Schulz hat offenbar Ende vergangenen Jahres einen Schlaganfall erlitten. Wie die «Bild»- Zeitung berichtet, hatte sich Schulz drei Tage nach dem verlorenen Comeback-Boxkampf am 25. November 2006 in Halle gegen Brian Minto routinemäßig untersuchen lassen. Außer einer Hirnschwellung habe es keinen auffälligen Befund gegeben. Doch nur eine Woche später sei ihm zu Hause übel geworden. Schulz sagte laut «Bild»: «Ich sah plötzlich weiße Sterne, mir war richtig schwindelig.»

Lebenslang Tabletten
Sein Hausarzt habe ihn zur Computertomographie überwiesen. Die Diagnose am 6. Dezember habe «Hirninfarkt, landläufig Schlaganfall»gelautet. Zusätzlich hätten die Ärzte festgestellt, dass Schulz eine um das Fünffache erhöhte Konzentration an Thrombozyten (Blutplättchen) hat. «Der Auslöser des Schlaganfalls, denn die Blutplättchen lassen das Blut leichter gerinnen», hieß es weiter. Schulz sagte: «Ich muss nun lebenslang täglich Tabletten nehmen.» Nach dem Kampf gegen Minto hatte Schulz seine Boxkarriere beendet.

Schulzens Leben bedroht
Bei einer Messung der Gehirnströme (EEG) im September zwei Monate vor dem Kampf soll erstmals die Diagnose «Gefäßverletzung im Kopfbereich, Schlaganfall» gestellt worden sein. Der Arzt soll Schulz dringend vom Kampf abgeraten haben. Es bestünde Lebensgefahr.

Schulz sagte der Zeitung: «Die Diagnose war nicht eindeutig. Ich habe danach mehrere Ärzte konsultiert und man hat mir eindeutig grünes Licht für den Kampf gegeben.» Schulz betonte: «Wenn sich diese erste Diagnose erhärtet hätte, hätte ich sofort aufgehört. Ich habe mich doch fit gefühlt.» Wie folgenschwer der Schlaganfall sein wird, lasse sich noch nicht komplett absehen.

«Zurzeit kann ich die rechte Hand nicht zudrücken. Aber was mir ganz wichtig ist: Meine gesundheitlichen Probleme sollen keine Entschuldigung für meinen schlechten Kampf sein«, erklärte Schulz. (nz)