#Burger-Ping meets HaKe

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Die Zeiten in denen Computerspiele noch in Ordnung waren

Captain Tierfuss

New Member
100 Spiele in 10 Minuten

Here is a list of the games in this video (there might be some errors, I don't know) -
1. Monkey Island (0:00)
2. New Zealand Story (0:07)
3. Cannon Fodder (0:13)
4. Pinball Dreams (0:19)
5. Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (0:25)
6. Lemmings (0:31)
7. The Settlers (0:37)
8. Pinball Fantasies (0:43)
9. Sensible World of Soccr '96/97 (0:49)
10. Turrican 2 (0:55)
11. Another World (1:01)
12. Wings (1:07)
13. Formula One Grand Prix (1:13)
14. Dune 2 (1:19)
15. Flashback (1:25)
16. Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 (1:31)
17. Moonstone (1:37)
18. Super Cars 2 (1:43)
19. UFO : Enemy Unknown (1:49)
20. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1:55)
21. It Came from the Desert (2:01)
22. The Chaos Engine (2:07)
23. Chuck Rock (2:13)
24. Stunt Car Racer (2:19)
25. Super Cars (2:25)
26. Superfrog (2:31)
27. Syndicate (2:37)
28. Dune (2:43)
29. Mega lo Mania (2:49)
30. Rick Dangerous (2:55)
31. Apprentice (3:01)
32. Beneath a Steel Sky (3:07)
33. Blues Brothers (3:13)
34. Pirates! (3:19)
35. Sim City (3:25)
36. Turrican (3:31)
37. North & South (3:37)
38. Fire & Ice (3:43)
39. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (3:49)
40. Lionheart (3:55)
41. Dyna Blaster (4:01)
42. IK+ (4:07)
43. Ruff 'n' Tumble (4:13)
44. Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (4:19)
45. Alien Breed Special Edition 1992 (4:25)
46. Centurion - Defender of Rome (4:31)
47. F/A-18 Interceptor (4:37)
48. Pro Tennis Tour 2 (4:43)
49. Maniac Mansion (4:49)
50. Rocket Ranger (4:55)
51. Pang (5:01)
52. Kick Off 2 (5:07)
53. Populous II - Trials of the Olympian Gods (5:13)
54. Nitro (5:19)
55. James Pond (5:25)
56. Wrath of the Demon (5:31)
57. Exile (5:37)
58. Loom (5:43)
59. Double Dragon 3 (5:49)
60 Populous (5:55)
61. Second Samurai (6:01)
62. Bubble Bobble (6:07)
63. Hunter (6:13)
64. Ports of Call (6:19)
65. SWIV (6:25)
66. Qwak (6:31)
67. Rodland (6:37)
68. Yo! Joe! (6:43)
69. Darkmere: The Nightmare's Begun (6:49)
70. Heimdall (6:55)
71. Lemmings 2: The Tribes (7:01)
72. Apidya (7:07)
73. Hired Guns (7:13)
74. Rick Dangerous 2 (7:19)
75. Legend of Kyrandia (7:25)
76. Lure of the Temptress (7:31)
77. Paradroid 90 (7:37)
78. Defender of the Crown (7:43)
79. Eye of the Beholder 2 - The Legend of Darkmoon (7:49)
80. Shadow Dancer (7:55)
81. Zool (8:01)
82. Traps 'n' Treasures (8:07)
83. Shadow of the Beast 3 (8:13)
84. Klax (8:19)
85. TV Sports Basketball (8:25)
86. Indy Heat (8:31)
87. 4D Sports Driving (8:37)
88. Rainbow Islands (8:43)
89. Battle Squadron (8:49)
90. Black Crypt (8:55)
91. Shadow of the Beast (9:01)
92. Pushover (9:07)
93. Ugh! (9:13)
94. Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf(9:19)
95. Agony (9:25)
96. Wizkid (9:31)
97. Prince of Persia (9:37)
98. Alien Breed 2 (9:43)
99. Project X (9:49)
100. James Pond 2 - Robocod (9:55)