Ex Burger-Ping Admins
Spieler wurde gebannt.
Danke . :daumenhoch:
Demo ging an steambans.com
[SB] Result of ban submitted to Steambans.com
This is an automatic email to notify you that the player you submitted, STEAM_0:0:7675887, has been banned from the Steambans network. The evidence was viewed by our admins and found to be conclusive. Should you record a demo of another player cheating don't hesistate to submit them to steambans and stop them from cheating on an ever increasing number of servers we protect.

Danke . :daumenhoch:
Demo ging an steambans.com
[SB] Result of ban submitted to Steambans.com
This is an automatic email to notify you that the player you submitted, STEAM_0:0:7675887, has been banned from the Steambans network. The evidence was viewed by our admins and found to be conclusive. Should you record a demo of another player cheating don't hesistate to submit them to steambans and stop them from cheating on an ever increasing number of servers we protect.